Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Freedom Unite, Anyone?

I was considering playing some Freedom Unite this weekend over Adhoc Party as I haven't done that in AGES. Feeling nostalgic, and I'd like to beat the snot out of some Elder Dragons with other people, instead of...getting my ass handed to me on a silver platter by Teostra.

GodDAMN you Teostra. Why are you so much harder in the swamp than you are in the volcano???? I would rather chop off my fingers than fight you in the swamp alone again.


Silver Los

I would kill for a Los statue like this. KILL.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pinky Street

I don't think they come in a set. But they're adorable. Me wants the cute one in the Rathian armor.

In other news, I may get a chance to sit and play some Tri for a good portion of the upcoming weekend. I wanna reach HR 30 before Monday!! Dx<

Monday, July 5, 2010

Dokapon Monster Hunter

Dokapon Kingdom meets Monster Hunter? That must be the most addicting game in all of existence.

Herbs and Blue Mushrooms

Good for you, good for the soul!

Hope everyone had a fantastic Fourth of July!