Saturday, August 28, 2010

White Fatalis

White Fatalis is easily one of my favorite monsters from Monster Hunter Freedom 2. I mean, COME ON. He's cute. Even when my greatsword smashes into his face. :3

Kudos to iheartegger for the wonderful fanart.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Monster Hunter Wall of Shame

Some people deserve their names on it. Occasionally, I have the misfortune of meeting these people, if only for a brief time. All the time I need to staple their names into my little personal Wall of Shame for Monster Hunter Tri.

Hunter Name: Ronnie
ID Code: 7FN3TM
Current HR: 63

Wall of Shame inductee #1. Waiting on someone who's already signed up for a quest is not 'noobish', it's polite. Rage-quitting the quest and screaming "Noobs!" at everyone before storming out of the tavern is not only rather noobish of yourself, but very rude. Enjoy your status of being on the Wall of Shame.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

High Rank and the Lurking Menace


He's cute, mkay? Really cute. Even if he eats my face.

Chibijho done by DarkmaneTheWerewolf over on DA.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Monster Hunter PS3 Theme

I can't believe I forgot to post about this earlier. We use it on ours from time to time, and this guy's done a really good job with it. :3 The only thing I think is wonky with it is the sounds are extremely loud. At least on our PS3 it is.

Anyway, great job, Vice552!

Submission on DeviantArt is here.

Two Days of Tri

And god, I am sick of the comments about my character's panties.

I should have played a male.


First couple of times is cute/funny, but after the eighth or ninth time, it gets a bit weird.

To be fair, I've been in a bit of gaming hell all day today.

However, I've gotten a lot of ranks, close to my next urgent FINALLY, WOOO. But wait, it's Jhen. DAMMIT. So tired of fighting Jhen. Stupid popular event quest is stupid popular.

But we did Blood Sport today. Twice. Uragaan and Diablos holy shite awesome and epic sauce.

By the waaaaaaay. I use a greatsword. A lot. I'm sorry if I trip you. But I think it's better to trip you on accident than upswing intentionally because you're being a bitch. C:


Monday, August 2, 2010

Rising from the Ashes

This last month has been hectic. Have the most awesome PSP in existence.