And I've been using the time to play a LOT of Tri. Some updates and a bit of rants/raves:
Woo! HR 63 now!
I ran into someone who was using a hack to see Alatreon's health percentage. SHAME ON YOU. If you're going to use hacks, at least have the sense not to announce it, and please refrain from constantly announcing the health percentage during the quest. You're ruining part of the fun of even playing. Justifying yourself by saying it's only a percentage and not the actual numbers is not helping your case. Also, shame on those in the tavern who didn't care. Capcom needs a way to report hackers. Learn2MonsterHunter the RIGHT way. The FUN way. Get busted for hacking and enjoy your ban.
I love and adore all you people who like to melee Alatreon. Sleepbombing is all well and good for the wings (they're really hard to break with just melee), but those people who want to be complete Nazis about it and threaten to abandon me on the quest if I don't bring enough bombs shouldn't even be playing. I told you I brought bombs. I told you I brought a lot of them. Stop harassing me.
FINALLY GOT A RATHIAN RUBY. I had to kill 40 of you whores in high rank before you gave me one, but I got it at last. Too bad I need three more. BAAAWWWWWW.
In all the time I've played Monster Hunter, I've never given the hammer a very good chance to work it's way into the list of weapons I love to use. In Freedom 2 and Unite, it was Greatsword, Longsword, Gunlance, and Bow. Having two of them taken out in Tri left me a sad puppy. My partner got me interested in using hammers, and I've been slowly working on the list of monsters that I can hammer the crap out of pretty well. Quropeco and Uragaan are the most fun and easiest, and recently I've become accustomed to hammering Barioth of all things. For those of you worried about me using a weapon I'm not great with in a higher rank quest, I can assure you that I practice plenty in offline mode with the monster in question before I try it online. ;) Favorite hammers are the Mohran Fang and Gunhammer (it spins when you charge!).
Oh my god, I am always broke. Being high rank has it's negatives, for sure.
After fighting quite a few Deviljho, he's still my favorite monster from Tri (Agnaktor too <3). I don't care how many times you pounce and eat my face as I frantically realize that I forgot dung bombs.
I should really staple it to my head to remember to bring Dragonfell Berry on every Jho and Ala quest. Not that I get hit with Dragonblight a lot, but it is annoying when I do. And my partner insists that I remember it...and I always forget. ALWAYS. Sorry! D:
People who whine and complain about a quest, join it anyway, and then whine and complain the entire time are still annoying.
I have confirmed the existence of true-blooded bonafide trolls in Tri. First they invade my TF2, and now my MH. SADFACE. How DARE you put in your profile that you are looking for friendly gamers to play with and then consistently harass someone in the tavern who didn't even DO anything. It wouldn't be so bad if you weren't so obviously trying to troll. And you're whole "I'm on the internet, so I'm invincible and everyone else sucks." attitude is really tiring. Don't give me your HR as an excuse for being a douchebag, and don't follow me around to different taverns after I call you out on being a jackass for treating that guy that way. No, I wasn't even mad. You're just annoying and your attitude is not appreciated by anyone. Again, I find myself wishing for a report function.
Suddenly I find myself lacking in the vindictive department and wishing I'd made note here of the more recent unpleasant encounters with the jackasses of Tri by name, ID, and HR.
I also feel it's a bit sad that I should feel compelled to do so. Yay, the Tri online community is wonderful guys, come on over! Really, it's like that with any online game. You have to wade through the dicks to find people who are actually friendly.
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