Friday, December 24, 2010

Agna vs Agna

I must say, this is one of the more awesome pieces of MH fanart I've seen in a while. That armor set is awesome, by the way. I use it for Ala and Jho, since with it even using a greatsword, I more often than not can block an entire attack. Yay, Guard +2! You'll be cursing the amount of Agnaktor you need to kill to get those damn Claw+ but it's certainly worth it.

Also, smug Agnaktor is win. :D


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Giant Deviljho Redux

If you've read it, you'll remember my astonishment with the giant Deviljho.

Welp, I finally managed to be online when the event quest came back up, and I gotta say, World Eater is certainly a fitting title for it. It's very hard to hit something that big, especially when it is moving faster than anything that size should be able to move! Still, I had loads of fun killing a giant Jho, and now I've got the gold crowns for large and small, just like with Uragaan. :3

On a side note, I also hit HR 86 today~


Friday, December 17, 2010

Finishing Offline Mode in Tri

::Cross-posted from Playfire::

Welp, I'd been putting it off for some time now, mostly because I never much liked the Four Horns quest (even though fighting Diablos on his own has always been fun), but I hunkered down today and beat it with...surprisingly little effort. I say surprisingly, but once you gotten to the 70s in your online HR, you've obviously got some good gear by that point and have the capability to slaughter anything in offline mode, I guess. >_>

But now I have no more quests that that need to be completed for the first time. It almost makes me sad how poorly balanced it felt to do a dual Blos quest on my own with that equipment. I mean, I still haven't been able to finish that one final quest in Unite yet because it's actually -challenging- (nevermind that I am horrible at fighting anything in the arena: the dual Rajang victory in Freedom 2 was a fluke, to be honest), what with the three G-rank monsters in such tight quarters and my lack of complete and utter badassery.

Unfortunately, it seems the wiimotes we have are starting to take a turn for the worse and need to be replaced soon (or rather, the battery packs do), so I'm hesitant to go into online mode for the sake of the thing not dying and subsequently causing me to die on a quest.

Alas...I still need to make that Cedaeus set and get that Deep Dragongem I've been promising myself I would work on for ages now, so I suppose I now have the ability to focus on that instead of killing more Jho. xD


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Warm Fuzzy Feelings

I has them. Reminds me of some good old days.


Monday, December 6, 2010


I don't know.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Have some cuteness for your holiday, even if you didn't celebrate!


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Cats in MHP3

Taken from here, with added notes. :P There are a couple of links there that I won't cross-post that may be of interest as well.

-When buying felynes, you can choose what type of cat you want with a new cat search feature. This seems pretty nice compared to the randomly generated skills and abilities that were available in Unite.

-Cats now have more emotions and features. Cats, when outraged, will become mad and powerful. Sounds a lot like ChaCha, so how bad could it be?

-Felynes can train at the farm, and even be sent out on their own Quests. SWEET.

-Your Felyne companions also replace Trenya, and can be sent on their own quests to gather materials and such. Again, up to four can be sent per quest. YES. YESYESYES. Screw you, Trenya! I've got my own lackeys who may be more useful than YOU.

-Lastly, it appears that your Felynes also go into the water and catch fish, which replaces the Net feature. As with the other changes, you can use Four at a time.

-Felyne Comrades now have 6 skill slots.

-The creation of Felyne equipment will use monster "scraps". These are obtained when you create armor, the scraps left over are used to create felyne equipment so they progress as you do. I was wondering about the armor I was seeing, and this system seems to make sense. I can only hope that it is as streamlined as it sounds.

-Cats can ride the pig. xD I've seen a lot of pictures of this, and it certainly looks cute (LOL BANNER). I wonder if it has any real use in-game?

Monday, November 22, 2010

MH Portable 3rd Intro

Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap, it's awesome! 8D

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Needs No Explanation

I just wish I knew where to get one of these cute little bastards. Look at that whelp! 8D

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Live Gameplay of Portable 3

Figured I would put this here as well since I uploaded it to PF. It's an interesting video of a group playing Portable 3, and you get to see where Deviljho comes into play. I'm not entirely sure I like the warning screen, and I'm a little sketchy on the idea of not being able to finish a quest if Jho shows up like that. Seems much more fitting that he appears in the same way he does in random and omgrunrunrunrunrun to finish the quest.

What is amusing is the squeal you can hear when he pops up out of the ground like some big, green, hungry jack-in-the-box. To be is pretty terrifying.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Lagiacrus Engraving

It's not often I see engravings, and it's even less heard of that it's of Monster Hunter. This print is totally awesome.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Monster Hunter meets Gundam

Apparently... A gundam looks even more badass carrying a greatsword.

Trailer for Monster Hunter Portable 3rd

Holy crap, do want, right now, oh god.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Too Much

I've been doing too much griping. Check these out!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mining and Armor

There's nothing wrong with taking two minutes to mine on a quest. Seriously. I hate it when people come down on others about it. If you can't handle being in the area with a monster for two minutes on your own, then you can wait or you can be polite about about it, at the very least. 50 minutes in a quest is more than enough time to wait, and if you had so huge of a problem with it, why not try to be nice?

Anonymity on the internet doesn't mean you have to act like an asshole to people. >:|

Alternatively, people who do mine on quests...please say something if you're going to mine. Let someone know. It'll help get people off your back when you do it.


Also, fighting monsters that spit fire and live in the volcano generally calls for armor with a good fire resist. Stop your bitching because I'm wearing armor that has a tiny bit less base defense than another set I have when it has 20 more fire resist AND wide area that will save your ass.

Seriously sick of the game Nazis telling me how to play. I've been around the block with this game for a few years now, both solo and online, and I have a pretty good grasp of what I'm doing, thank you.

Friday, October 15, 2010


Otherwise known as Lavasioth, these Volcano-dwelling fish wyverns have been known to make an appearance on the mousepads of devoted hunters.

This and some other awesome mousepads and keychains can be found here.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Monster Hunter Portable 3

Ok, I haven't been keeping up to date on this nearly as much as I should have, but there's already a lot of confirmed monsters and even a new area for this installment, which I will no doubt also be spending another 300 hours of my life on (where does the time go?). Instead of dwelling on my failure as a die-hard fanatic, I bring news of my current two favorite new (confirmed) boss monsters for this game. It really seems they're trying a mix of the monsters from Tri and the monsters from the previous portable entries, which isn't entirely bad, I think. They're keeping a few of my favorites from Tri (Agnaktor), and of course, Rathian and Rathalos.

Apparently Barroth makes another appearance in this one, and also in the form of a subspecies: Ice Barroth. You guessed it, a Barroth covered in snow and ice as opposed to mud. I wonder how much more adorable he'll be rolling around in snow. Here is some information and pictures, courtesy of The Monster Hunter Wiki.

"A blue and white subspecies of Barroth that lives in the Tundra. Instead of rolling in mud like its desert relative, it rolls in snow, inflicting Snowman instead of Muddy. This monster will be available to hunt in the demo from the Japanese PSN on October 13, 2010. It appears to have a new attack, which involves it throwing rather large snowballs at the Hunter."

May I also make a note here that I can't decide if I like that they are keeping the Tundra as the snow area for this installment as opposed to the Snowy Mountains. Regardless, pictures!

Despite the groans of protest from most of the players who've played the previous games for the PSP, Tigrex is coming back, and not just to haunt you while you demolish Popos in snow-capped mountains (Popos may or may not be in Portable 3). They're giving Tigrex a subspecies, and he looks even more rage inducing than his regular counterpart, but you see...this one loves warm climates, like volcanoes. Looks like Capcom is keeping the Volcano area from Tri too, so Firewalker will be a skill probably necessary to your survival again.

"Black Tigrex (ティガレックス亜種) is a dark subspecies of Tigrex. The original Tigrex is suited for living in the Snowy Mountains, Gorge and Desert regions, whereas the Black Tigrex has adapted to the even harsher environments of the Volcano. Black Tigrex will be seen for the first time in the new MHP3. The MHP3rd demo at the Tokyo Game Show 2010 had featured the Black Tigrex in a playable quest that was ranked as "Hard". According to the new trailer, this monster has several different roar animations and an attack in which it stomps its forelimbs erratically, damaging closeby hunters."

Of course, this isn't all the information on Portable 3. For more information on the game as a whole, new areas, and a list of all the confirmed monsters for this game, hit up the wiki. I should also note to those of us in Europe and the States that unless find some way to order it, yes they are releasing a (totally sweet) special edition PSP, and no, it will not be available to us without ordering from Japan. BAAAW, Capcom WHY?

Saturday, October 9, 2010


I haven't played any Tri in a few days. I can feel the shivers sinking into my bones. There needs to be monsters, where are the monsters? It's so very cold.

Really though, I should be back on and smacking things with my greatsword soon enough. It's been a busy week. :P Still have to make that Alatreon armor after all. Maybe I should sit down with some adhoc party again, get some Unite going. I feel more like smacking around Teostra than that freakish elemental Kushala thing.

Double Trouble

The most awesome and cute keychains ever, based off of some super-chibi wyverns and sold here and here. I so want these guys hanging from my keyring!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Aurora Biscuits

Cutest biscuits EVER found here.

Been a while.

And I've been using the time to play a LOT of Tri. Some updates and a bit of rants/raves:

Woo! HR 63 now!
I ran into someone who was using a hack to see Alatreon's health percentage. SHAME ON YOU. If you're going to use hacks, at least have the sense not to announce it, and please refrain from constantly announcing the health percentage during the quest. You're ruining part of the fun of even playing. Justifying yourself by saying it's only a percentage and not the actual numbers is not helping your case. Also, shame on those in the tavern who didn't care. Capcom needs a way to report hackers. Learn2MonsterHunter the RIGHT way. The FUN way. Get busted for hacking and enjoy your ban.
I love and adore all you people who like to melee Alatreon.
Sleepbombing is all well and good for the wings (they're really hard to break with just melee), but those people who want to be complete Nazis about it and threaten to abandon me on the quest if I don't bring enough bombs shouldn't even be playing. I told you I brought bombs. I told you I brought a lot of them. Stop harassing me.
FINALLY GOT A RATHIAN RUBY. I had to kill 40 of you whores in high rank before you gave me one, but I got it at last. Too bad I need three more. BAAAWWWWWW.
In all the time I've played Monster Hunter, I've never given the hammer a very good chance to work it's way into the list of weapons I love to use. In Freedom 2 and Unite, it was Greatsword, Longsword, Gunlance, and Bow. Having two of them taken out in Tri left me a sad puppy. My partner got me interested in using hammers, and I've been slowly working on the list of monsters that I can hammer the crap out of pretty well. Quropeco and Uragaan are the most fun and easiest, and recently I've become accustomed to hammering Barioth of all things. For those of you worried about me using a weapon I'm not great with in a higher rank quest, I can assure you that I practice plenty in offline mode with the monster in question before I try it online. ;) Favorite hammers are the Mohran Fang and Gunhammer (it spins when you charge!).
Oh my god, I am always broke. Being high rank has it's negatives, for sure.
After fighting quite a few Deviljho, he's still my favorite monster from Tri (Agnaktor too <3). I don't care how many times you pounce and eat my face as I frantically realize that I forgot dung bombs.
I should really staple it to my head to remember to bring Dragonfell Berry on every Jho and Ala quest. Not that I get hit with Dragonblight a lot, but it is annoying when I do. And my partner insists that I remember it...and I always forget. ALWAYS. Sorry! D:
People who whine and complain about a quest, join it anyway, and then whine and complain the entire time are still annoying.
I have confirmed the existence of true-blooded bonafide trolls in Tri. First they invade my TF2, and now my MH. SADFACE. How DARE you put in your profile that you are looking for friendly gamers to play with and then consistently harass someone in the tavern who didn't even DO anything. It wouldn't be so bad if you weren't so obviously trying to troll. And you're whole "I'm on the internet, so I'm invincible and everyone else sucks." attitude is really tiring. Don't give me your HR as an excuse for being a douchebag, and don't follow me around to different taverns after I call you out on being a jackass for treating that guy that way. No, I wasn't even mad. You're just annoying and your attitude is not appreciated by anyone. Again, I find myself wishing for a report function.
Suddenly I find myself lacking in the vindictive department and wishing I'd made note here of the more recent unpleasant encounters with the jackasses of Tri by name, ID, and HR.
I also feel it's a bit sad that I should feel compelled to do so. Yay, the Tri online community is wonderful guys, come on over! Really, it's like that with any online game. You have to wade through the dicks to find people who are actually friendly.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

White Fatalis

White Fatalis is easily one of my favorite monsters from Monster Hunter Freedom 2. I mean, COME ON. He's cute. Even when my greatsword smashes into his face. :3

Kudos to iheartegger for the wonderful fanart.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Monster Hunter Wall of Shame

Some people deserve their names on it. Occasionally, I have the misfortune of meeting these people, if only for a brief time. All the time I need to staple their names into my little personal Wall of Shame for Monster Hunter Tri.

Hunter Name: Ronnie
ID Code: 7FN3TM
Current HR: 63

Wall of Shame inductee #1. Waiting on someone who's already signed up for a quest is not 'noobish', it's polite. Rage-quitting the quest and screaming "Noobs!" at everyone before storming out of the tavern is not only rather noobish of yourself, but very rude. Enjoy your status of being on the Wall of Shame.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

High Rank and the Lurking Menace


He's cute, mkay? Really cute. Even if he eats my face.

Chibijho done by DarkmaneTheWerewolf over on DA.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Monster Hunter PS3 Theme

I can't believe I forgot to post about this earlier. We use it on ours from time to time, and this guy's done a really good job with it. :3 The only thing I think is wonky with it is the sounds are extremely loud. At least on our PS3 it is.

Anyway, great job, Vice552!

Submission on DeviantArt is here.

Two Days of Tri

And god, I am sick of the comments about my character's panties.

I should have played a male.


First couple of times is cute/funny, but after the eighth or ninth time, it gets a bit weird.

To be fair, I've been in a bit of gaming hell all day today.

However, I've gotten a lot of ranks, close to my next urgent FINALLY, WOOO. But wait, it's Jhen. DAMMIT. So tired of fighting Jhen. Stupid popular event quest is stupid popular.

But we did Blood Sport today. Twice. Uragaan and Diablos holy shite awesome and epic sauce.

By the waaaaaaay. I use a greatsword. A lot. I'm sorry if I trip you. But I think it's better to trip you on accident than upswing intentionally because you're being a bitch. C:


Monday, August 2, 2010

Rising from the Ashes

This last month has been hectic. Have the most awesome PSP in existence.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Freedom Unite, Anyone?

I was considering playing some Freedom Unite this weekend over Adhoc Party as I haven't done that in AGES. Feeling nostalgic, and I'd like to beat the snot out of some Elder Dragons with other people, instead of...getting my ass handed to me on a silver platter by Teostra.

GodDAMN you Teostra. Why are you so much harder in the swamp than you are in the volcano???? I would rather chop off my fingers than fight you in the swamp alone again.


Silver Los

I would kill for a Los statue like this. KILL.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pinky Street

I don't think they come in a set. But they're adorable. Me wants the cute one in the Rathian armor.

In other news, I may get a chance to sit and play some Tri for a good portion of the upcoming weekend. I wanna reach HR 30 before Monday!! Dx<

Monday, July 5, 2010

Dokapon Monster Hunter

Dokapon Kingdom meets Monster Hunter? That must be the most addicting game in all of existence.

Herbs and Blue Mushrooms

Good for you, good for the soul!

Hope everyone had a fantastic Fourth of July!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

WTF Giant Deviljho is giant and not made of hax.



Apparently in my late night Monster Hunter adventures about...oh a year ago, I must have written this. I found it on my hard drive when I was searching for a fanfic I'd written ages ago, but instead I cam across this piece of gold from one of my insomnia wracked nights of Freedom 2. I might have been drunk. I'm not 100% certain that I wasn't. I'm not sure why I wrote it, maybe to commemorate my accomplishments for the night.

...yeah, I'm pretty sure I was drunk.




YAY, 4 * Elder Quest Time!!

Blangonga, I must admit, you were a bit of a pushover. I put you down on the first try.



I dropped my Dragonrock+ T.T Damn Velociprey.



SWAMP TREASURE HUNTING! 16,000 point high score~
Must go higher. More fish, more bugs, more collecting. Stupid Congalala.



I want more Armor Spheres. BUT I'm getting that mining point first. 4,000 Pokke points is what, 3 rounds of treasure hunting? Later.
Khezu set needs upgrades.

Dammit Vespoids, stop f*cking POKING ME

I'll test out the Volcanic area after I get that mining point.

PLESIOTH. Wtf. I need to take a Flute.

Um, why did I just cut a Genprey in half?


Friday, June 25, 2010

I Don't Care What Your HR Is's no excuse for acting like a self-righteous, all important douche bag who thinks that they can just waltz into a room, take control and demand that I quit my quest that I need for my next urgent so that we can do your advanced quest which does not count towards any real goal at all.

Don't tell me "aww, it's ok, you'll be alright" and try to console me like I'm some little child because I told you I thought you were being rude. Don't tell me "not to die" like you think that because I am the lowest HR in the room that I don't know how to kill a Los and an Ian.

"OH NOES, wait, you don't realize they're gonna be in the same zone sometimes because it's a dual hunt!"

No, actually, I DID know that. I am not an idiot, I can read the quest board perfectly fine, and I am perfectly well equipped for this quest. How about you stop with the attitude and send us on our merry fucking way.

No wait, it gets better: after all of that rude and completely uncalled behavior, why don't you die twice, and have your bastard friend with you die as well and effectively fail the very quest that you demanded be done because "the quest I put up was too easy, so let's do my quest because it's harder and I'm an epic hunter."

And somehow, I end up only having barely been scratched and able to hold my own after you and everyone else randomly ditched me with an angry Los to go after Ian who was in a completely different part of the map?

Epic hunter? More like epic ASSHOLE.

Take your HR 30 and shove it right up your immature, whiny little ass.

Oh yeah, and try not to die.

EDIT: This player's name is extanglo. I'd advise against playing with this brat if at all possible. It's just not worth it.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Uniting Again

After playing Tri since it came out here in the states (preorder ftw), I've been neglecting my PSP and copy of Freedom Unite (my poor Freedom 2 has been collecting dust). This morning, I randomly found that I missed my badass sets of armor, I missed fighting Elder Dragons like Teostra, I missed watching my cats cook huge stacks of food for me.

I also remembered that I had yet to beat Fatalis and that I was working on my Ash Lao armor.


What. Anywho, I had a little bit of time before going to work this morning since I woke up early, and my PSP was beckoning me, so I sat down on the couch and got immersed yet once again in a bit of handheld awesomeness.

I only had time for a quickie and since I need Heavenly Scales off of Rathian, I did a Goldie, seeing as how I was equipped for it when I fired up the game anyway. Whupped her ass like no one's business and found myself trying to do the newer longsword backslash that lets you sidestep to no avail, but overall, it was amazing all over again and I think I'll sit down with it again at lunch.

I find it not only awesome, but amazing that I can still sit down and play Unite with the same passion that I do Tri. The differences between playing Freedom 2 and Unite...well...there weren't really too many of them to be honest, but they weren't enough to give a different feel to the game. Tri is great, sure, I don't regret my purchase, but it is missing some of the magic that got me into the franchise in the first place. The first time I sat down with Freedom 2 (yeah, late bloomer here), I was at first skeptical as I trudged through the tutorials, but since the first time I ran from a Tigrex in that game, I've been hooked.

It's not the weapons in Tri, it's not the mechanics of the game, because honestly, they've changed very little. Mostly, those things have been rearranged into something that just looks and acts different (I do oh so love the new spirit gauge combo/system for the longsword in Tri, however). I think it may be the monster set...but I can't say for sure. I miss a lot of the monsters from Freedom 2 and Unite. D: Having Los and Ian is cool, especially since they got revamped- I LOVE THE HOVERING THEY DO NOW, IT'S SO COOL, but at the same time it's almost like something is missing.

Nevermind that the 'a' button does not compute when I've been playing on the PSP for so long (to be fair I sat down with the first Monster Hunter on the PS2, just to see what it was like...I liked it. >>).

I think it might be the groaning when I tell the people sitting in the room and playing with me that I need a Heavenly Tigrex Scale.

Seeing this wonderful game on the TV, and not the small screen when you hook the slim PSP to the TV is awesome, I will give it that much. I even love the classic controller that looks like the bastard child of a Nintendo Classic controller and a PS2 controller.

But at the same time, if I'm going to play with friends, it always has to be when they're online, not hanging out at my house (unless they bring their Wii and we somehow magically get another TV to appear), and without the WiiSpeak thing (which I still haven't figured out), you can't talk and chat with them normally like you would with a living room full of people all playing on their PSPs together.

Player 1: Shit dude, my PSP is flashing.

Player 2: Where's your charger?

Player 1: I think I left it in my car.

Player 4: I think there's one by the couch, hang on. *gets up*

Player 3: Oh dude, you're getting mauled by prey. *laughs*

Player 4: Then kill 'em, dammit, I'm busy. *chucks charger at Player 1*

Player 2: He's here, you better hurry.

Player 4: It's just a Khezu, don't tell me you'll fail without me.

Player 2: Oh shut up, I'm always saving your ass.

Player 3: Yeah, she usually is. *laughs*

Player 4: Whatever, Miss Always Needs Stupid Pale Bones.

Player 1: Well, she is a woman.

Player 3: Hey! *laughs*


Player 3 still didn't get a Pale Bone.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What They Said


Also, take a gander at the forum we've got up. Still getting aesthetics worked on, but otherwise entirely functional and rarin' to go. You have to log into the board to see the entire thing, but you can still poke around some of it as a guest.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Back to the Grind

Let me be clear. I love Monster Hunter. I love Monster Hunter more than I love chocolate.

And I really like chocolate.


I love the complexity of some things in the game while it still maintains the 'beat it with a stick' mentality. It doesn't matter that I have to kill 125 Rathalos to get two heavenly scales. Each time I fight him and I don't get it, I get the inkling for vengeance against that prick for not handing it over and that makes me want to whack him in the face again with my sword. Come to think of it, nothing else can really make me try so hard to do something so trivial and important.

I love the idiots that play online.

Or maybe I hate them.

Probably both.

Nothing makes me rage more than when I see someone lay a trap after a monster roars for the first time and starts tossing a full stack of tranqbombs at it.

Then again, the amusement comes when I realize it's not my items going to waste and that someone else usually ends up successfully capturing the beast after the millionth time the former idiot asked 'it is ready yet?'.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, there are people so awesome, you cannot define the amount of awesome.

I don't mean folks running around in Fatalis gear. BAH. There are hacks for that sort of thing, that doesn't impress me until I see that you can take down a Fatalis on your own skill without a single mod to your game or PSP.

What I'm talking about are the people who actually are willing to help. Not gripe if you're trying a monster for the first time and they want skilled players. First of all, if the monster is online only...there has to be a first time, and it has to be with other people. Boo hoo on you for getting someone who's new at ONE monster. "Skilled players" refers to someone who actually knows what they're doing in the game. It doesn't specify that you have to be skilled at fighting that particular beast, so stop whining.

Now. Back to the awesome. I love it when people are down for a Tigrex hunt, even though they don't want to do it. They understand you need a carve and they understand that he's a complete asshole when you try it at the higher ranks by yourself. What I love more is a complete stranger helping someone over 10 HR lower than they are get their ugent for the next rank set because the people at their level are being douches and want to cap Great Baggi twelve times instead of trying to rank up. MUCH LOVE AND RESPECT.

Yes, there is rage. And there is love. Amusement. Friends. YAY.

P.S. I still hate you Los. You and your whore bitch. Dx